meet tasks

Introducing Ample - an app dedicated to simplifying workload management and increasing teamwork productivity.

Easy to use

Organizing teams, navigating projects and tracking productivity has never been easier thanks to a really intuitive design. Empower your teams to work cross-departmental with 360° visibility and powerful automation. You can always be prepared for what's next by getting real-time updates and seeing potential roadblocks before they happen.

Effectively manage
time & projects

Ample makes it easy to add, share and time-track tasks. Track productivity, attendance, and billable hours with a simple time tracker. Customize tracking with client setup (hourly rate, invoice period, time tracking interval).

Work in real-time across your entire organisation by eliminating endless email threads, needless meetings, and copious check-ins with live commenting, notifications and editing.

Quickly see your
team's activity

Collaborate with your team anywhere, drill down to individual tasks or zoom out for an overview of the whole action plan. Ample brings a new level of transparency to your team's work and keeps everyone on the same page.

Having a single source of information and communication makes it easy for leadership to stay in the loop or get a new team member up to speed quickly. It mitigates the risk of tasks falling through the cracks.

In a nutshell, with Ample you will...

Flexible planning
Enable your team flexibly plan in a way that works best for them. Create projects and milestones, plan ahead, and distribute tasks across your team
Accurate tracking
Estimations help your team become more accurate and efficient. Prioritize and discuss your team's work in full context with complete visibility
Transparent execution
Whether your team is across the table or around the world, Ample brings your team's goals, plans, tasks, files, and more together in one shared space.

Get started with Ample

Whether you're a small business or a freelancer, don't hesitate to give it a try. Make things easier for you and your team. Why not, it's free!